Private Leisure

A Highly-Curated Travel Experience

A highly-curated travel experience

You’ll never want to fly coach again.

Let Genesis Aviation take care of the details so you can enjoy your travel experience. From going on vacation to visiting family, our dedicated staff will take care of your trip. Enjoy our private lounge before your journey, and avoid the security checkpoints and wait times typically associated with air travel.

Skip the layovers and chaos of major airports.

Whether you’re travelling to a sun destination with the family or taking a business trip to an international city, Genesis Aviation will make your next flight a memorable and seamless experience. 

Every booked trip has a customized approach and we promise a world-class experience to get you to your destination in style.

From urban centres to remote areas, Genesis Aviation provides you and your team with comfortable private aircraft at competitive rates. From bookings to arrivals, we work with you throughout the entire process to make sure your team is getting the very best flight experience possible.

Get A Quote.

Genesis’ committed focus to service, safety and efficiency helped maximize our workforce’s time-on-tools and productivity and minimize our operating costs.
– Client of Genesis Aviation
Our crews consistently arrive on-site safely and on time when we charter with Genesis Aviation
– Client of Genesis Aviation

after struggling with other air charters in the past, we are happy to recommend Genesis Aviation for your air charter needs.
– Client of Genesis Aviation


Turbo Prop

The King Air is a cost effective option for the traveller needing a flight to destinations with or without International Airport Services. The runway length requirements needed for a King Air are very accommodating to accessing the smaller, conveniently located municipal airports.

Light Jet

Seating between 4 to 9 passengers, the Light Jet affords corporate managers and individuals an unparalleled travel experience, providing time-savings, comfort and capability.

Mid Size Jet

When range and comfort matter, a Mid-Size Jet provides a capable transport partner, taking you directly to thousands of non-airline serviced destinations across North America.

Large Cabin Jet

The Large Cabin Jet is the “ultimate travel machine” handling direct destinations to Europe, South America and Asia.

This time machine offers true stand-up cabins with seating capacity for up to 12 passengers. A Large Cabin Jet’s mission capability is like nothing else on the market.

Regional Jet

These corporate shuttles show their effectiveness at scheduling and mission flexibility in the energy & mining industry. Considering a destination wedding or corporate golfing incentive trip for your employees? The Regional Aircraft has become indispensable as an option for any trip required to carry up to 100 personnel.


For aerial exploration and mining services, oilfield operations, pipeline surveillance or forestry. Whatever your remote or logistical requirement may be, the appropriate helicopter will provide a unique solution for your specific needs.


Start your private charter experience today.